Monday, February 11, 2008

Conversation Skillz.

I may not be a great “communicator” but I can carry a conversation properly (usually). By definition, a conversation is “an informal talk with somebody, especially about opinions, ideas, feelings, or everyday matters” or “exchange of ideas or information between two or more people”. The key word, in my opinion, being EXCHANGE. Let’s see an example… Person one asks a question, person two answers, person one acknowledges the answer and either asks a follow up question or provides other incite to the exchanging of words. Person two then asks a question to person one. Person one responds…. and so the cycle goes.

How many of you have that friend who is not an exchanger of words? We will call them the givers of words. They GIVE you all sorts of words and stories but never EXCHANGE. They never ASK you anthing or or even graciously accept the words you try to give them.

Pretty much I have a friend/acquaintance that I have frequent contact with that never listens to a word I say… I’ve pretty much quit talking about anything because she neither acknowledges my comments or, better yet, never asks a follow up questions or perhaps provides any incite to what I was asking or saying. She simply ignores my words and keeps talking about her thoughts and problems. And to make it worse, she repeats herself constantly, so I’m hearing the same thing over and over.

I know this seems like a bit of complaining but, to be honest, I don’t want to bring it up the situation because a.) she probably won't listen anyway and b.) she might start asking questions. And so the cycle goes. This is person one… How is everyone doing?

1 comment:

Julia Davis said...

We are good. And we think you are funny. How are you doing? I'm "listening"....